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Ads on telegram | Will user privacy remains as before on Telegram? – 2023

Ads on telegram

Telegram is one of the most popular online chatting and social networking platform just like WhatsApp. It has over 500 million users and it has been marketing itself as user privacy and security concerned platform. With a high number of user and in order to keep it services the only option for telegram is to either find a buyer or monetize its services. Recently, the co-founder of Telegram announced that telegram could show ads on public channels in order to sustain its services. Telegram is monetizing in order to sustain the services and prevent itself from getting sold to other big platforms.

The growth in user number of Telegram in recent years is quite high. Although it’s security and encryption is considered lower than Whatsapp, it has been able to keep the user engaged because of the user privacy keeping promises. But the recent announcement made by CEO Pavel Durov had moved users in dilemma. Users are concerned about how will Telegram keep user privacy and data away from advertisers if they show ads on Telegram.

Will telegram sell user data to advertisers? What data does telegram collect from you? Will, it is privacy policy remains like before? What is the approach telegram can follow for monetization? There might be many questions like such in your mind which we will discuss today.

How secure is the Telegram?

How secure is telegram?
How secure is Telegram?

Telegram is quite popular for the end-to-end encryption of personal messages but the messages aren’t self-encrypted. MTProto which is a custom protocol is used for the encryption. You can also set self-destructing messages on telegram and users can switch between multiple devices or stay logged in as per their choices. Telegram is quite popular for various controversies such as having users like a terrorist promoter, protestors and illegal activist. It is not popular because of users but because it respects user privacy.

Despite its pros, there are certain cons of telegram. Account registration requires a phone number which means they have access to the phone number. The infamous E2E encryption is only for Secret Chats.

What data does Telegram collect from you?

You might want to check the privacy policy of telegram in order to find they keep your data and what they can collect from you. Telegram keep your personal details like phone number, emails which you use upon registration. They also have access to your contact. Telegram also keep logs of your IP address. They also provide cloud storage services to storge your personal messages, photos or files which are kept on their servers.

Does telegram track and monitor your act?

Do telegram track you?
Does telegram track you?

Telegram keeps your IP log and can disclose it upon court order. There is no any report regarding this but their user privacy policy states that they can disclose your data if they receive court order suspecting you as a possible terrorist.

Telegram can also check forwarded messages on it’s complain platform in order to stop spam, abuse and policy violation.

Ads on Telegram | Telegram doing monetization

Ads on telegram
Ads on telegram

Telegram is planning to monetize its services for covering the cost of running the services. The Founder-CEO Pavel Durov states that they can show ads on the public channel of Telegram. Displaying ads on personal chat might be a bad idea as stated by CEO Durov as he thinks that personal chat should be ads-free. He also says that this isn’t the end for the old telegram you knew.

How will telegram show ads?

Durov states that telegram might show ads on one to many public channels. If you have been messaging your friends and family through telegram then you should have relief that they won’t show ads on your private messages and on the group chats. Durov mentioned that some channels are already using third-party ads platforms. Durov finds these ads as intrusive and when they introduce their ads platform it won’t hamper user privacy.

The features and services will remain as free as before. He also states that they might look on other monetization ways such as introducing premier tiers of Telegram with extra features. The paying users might have access to premium features and sticker packs.

Also check: How to recover deleted messages on telegram

Will Telegram remains as before after they monetize?

CEO Durov states the privacy-centric platform will not change its core value even after their monetization approach. The ads will be shown with respect to user privacy. This statement might be a relief for the old Telegram loving users. One of the monetization approaches is to partner with artists in order to provide premium sticker pack. This not only benefits telegram but also benefits artists. The user experience also isn’t ruined if this happens.

Hope we cleared some of your doubts. There are more things yet to be declared by the CEO of Telegram. We will inform you and clear your doubts after getting official announcements. If you have any queries then feel free to leave a comment below.

Roshan Kc
the authorRoshan Kc
Roshan kc is a cybersecurity journalist with a passion for covering latest happenings in cybersecurity and tech world. In addition to being the founder of this website, Roshan is also into gaming, reading and investigative journalism and additional to them he is also interested in movies, anime and web series.

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