Tips and tricks

How to see who someone recently followed on instagram

how to see who someone recently followed on instagram

So you are curious about who someone recently followed on Instagram. Instagram doesn’t really provide a direct way to see this information. There’s a solution to every problem, right? Yeah, there are a few methods that we can use to find out this information. While there are not many methods, there are three commonly used methods. In this article, we’ll explore those three ways to see who someone recently followed on Instagram.

Instagram’s Follow and Unfollow Feature

Users can connect with each other on Instagram using the “follow” and “unfollow” features. When you follow someone, you can see their posts and interact with their content, which will appear in your feed. On the other hand, unfollowing someone will stop their posts from appearing in your feed. To find out who recently followed you on Instagram, it’s important to understand how to use these features.

Instagram makes it easy to follow or unfollow someone with just one click. To follow someone, simply go to their profile and click the “follow” button. To unfollow them, go to their profile, click the “Following” icon, and select “unfollow” to stop seeing their updates. When you unfollow someone, your profile will no longer be visible in their list of followers.

How to see who someone recently followed on Instagram

We will discuss major three methods to help you see who someone recently followed on Instagram.

First Method: Using Instagram’s Following List

Instagram has a built-in following list where we can directly view the people who followed someone recently. Here are the steps you need to go through:

  1. Launch Instagram: Open Instagram on your device and make sure you’re logged in to your account.
  2. Access the account: Search for the account you’re trying for this method and open it.
  3. Navigate to the “following” tab: Now, find the “Following” tab and tap on it which will display the list of accounts you to see who someone recently followed on instagram
  4. Discover the list: Most recent followers are usually at the top of the list, so have a look at it.

Method 2: Using a Chrome Extension – IGExport

If you want a detailed view of someone’s recent followers, you can try a reliable third-party Chrome extension called IGExport. Since you’re going to use a third-party app, make sure you are taking a risk for your device. Here’s the detailed step on how to use IGExport to view someone’s recent followers:

  1. Install IGExport extension: Firstly, you’ll need to install the IGExport Chrome extension on your computer. You can find it by searching for “IGExport Chrome extension” in your browser’s extension marketplace or in the Chrome web store.see recent instagram followers with igexport
  2. Launch Instagram: Once the extension is installed, open the Instagram app on your device and log in to your account.
  3. Visit the profile: Go to the profile of the person whose recent follows you want to view.see instagram followers
  4. Use the extension: If you’re in Chrome browser, you’ll see the IGExport icon. Click on it while you’re on the person’s profile page, and the extension will begin exporting the list of their followers.
  5. Analyze and discover information: It may take a couple of seconds or maybe a minute but after the process is completed, you’ll have access to a list of followers. Look for the most recent additions to identify who the person has recently followed.

Once again, It’s necessary to note that using third-party apps to access Instagram data may violate Instagram’s terms of service & policies and can potentially put your account at risk. Use such apps at your own risk.

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Third Method: Direct Communication with the person

Trust me, the most genuine method is to simply ask the person directly. Engaging in an open and respectful conversation can help you get their recent Instagram activity and even provide an opportunity to build up a good relationship with them.

It’s natural to be curious about someone’s Instagram activity. This short article provided you few methods to satisfy that curiosity responsibly. We discussed three ways to see who someone recently followed on Instagram: using Instagram’s built-in following list, using a third-party extension called IGExport, and direct communication with the person.

The first method is safer and follows Instagram’s policies while the second method gives more detailed information but comes with potential risks making the third method the most reliable method to get information.


1. How can I see who someone recently followed on Instagram?

Answer: There are three ways you can see who someone recently followed on Instagram. The first method is to use Instagram’s following list, where you can directly view the people they followed. The second method is to use a third-party Chrome extension called IGExport, which gives a more detailed view of their recent followers. However, using third-party apps may violate Instagram’s terms of service and put your account at risk. The third and safest method is to have a conversation with the person and ask them about their recent Instagram activity.

2. How do I access the following list on Instagram?

Answer: To access the following list on Instagram, open the Instagram app on your device and log into your account. Search for the account you’re interested in and open it. Then, go to the “following” tab, which displays the accounts that the person is following. The most recent followers are usually at the top of the list.

3. What is the IGExport Chrome extension, and how can I use it?

Answer: The IGExport Chrome extension is a third-party tool that lets you view someone’s recent followers in more detail on Instagram. To use it, install the IGExport extension from the Chrome Web Store or your browser’s extension marketplace.

Once installed, open the Instagram app, log into your account, and visit the profile of the person whose recent followers you want to see. In the Chrome browser, you will see the IGExport icon. Click on it while on the person’s profile page, and the extension will export the list of their followers. After the process completes, you’ll have access to a list of followers, including the most recent ones.

4. Is using third-party apps like IGExport safe for viewing Instagram data?

Answer: Using third-party apps, including IGExport, to access Instagram data may violate Instagram’s terms of service and policies. It can potentially put your account at risk. So, it is necessary to use such apps at your own risk and be aware of the potential consequences.

5. Which method is the most reliable for getting information about someone’s recent Instagram activity?

Answer: The most reliable method for getting information about someone’s recent Instagram activity is through direct communication with that person. By having an open and respectful conversation, you can ask them about their recent Instagram follows and build a good relationship. However, this method depends on the person’s willingness to share such information.

The first method, using Instagram’s built-in following list, is safer and in accordance with Instagram’s policies. The second method, using the IGExport extension, provides more detailed information but carries potential risks associated with third-party apps.

Roshan Kc
the authorRoshan Kc
Roshan kc is a cybersecurity journalist with a passion for covering latest happenings in cybersecurity and tech world. In addition to being the founder of this website, Roshan is also into gaming, reading and investigative journalism and additional to them he is also interested in movies, anime and web series.

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